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British Museum
Picasso was one of the most creative and experimental talents ever to explore the medium of print. This book charts his career as a printmaker, which was characterised by close collaboration with skilled printers, through which extraordinary artworks were produced.
Printmaking was a vitally important activity in the long artistic career of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881-1973). His long-standing, if at times episodic, engagement with printmaking, stretched from his early years in Paris until his old age in 1972. This book explores how the technical challenges of working in different print media (etching, aquatint, linocut and lithography) inspired Picasso's creativity.
Together with a stunning selection of works on paper by Picasso, it also includes sculptures, drawings and prints by other artists and cultures of the kind that inspired Picasso. His prints often demonstrate his keen sense of belonging to an artistic lineage stretching back to antiquity (stemming from his kinship with the Mediterranean world of his birthplace, Málaga), as well as great artists of the past such as Raphael, Rembrandt and Ingres. One section explores the contradictions and controversies relating to Picasso's relationships with his wives and lovers. The focus on Picasso as a printmaker will argue for the importance of this activity in his long artistic career, and his continued relevance as one of the most creative and experimental talents ever to explore the medium of print. -
Silk roads
Sue Brunning, Luk Yu-Ping, Elisabeth R. O'Connell, Tim Williams
- British Museum
- 26 Septembre 2024
- 9780714124971
A richly illustrated publication that explores the networks of contacts and exchanges spanning Afro-Eurasia from 500 to 1000 CE, highlighting how the movement of people, objects and ideas shaped cultures and histories.
In the ninth century CE, an Arabian ship sank off the coast of Indonesia. The objects found in the wreckage, which include Chinese ceramics and precious metals, have provided extraordinary evidence of the nature, scale and diversity of trade between Tang China and the Islamic Abbasid dyna -
Luxury and power : persia to greece
James Fraser, Lloyd Llewelln-Jones
- British Museum
- 20 Avril 2023
- 9780714111964
Luxurious objects are celebrated for their exoticism, rarity and style, but also disparaged as indulgent, extravagant and corrupt. The ancient origins of these attitudes emerged at the boundary between the imperial Persian and democratic Athenian Greek worlds. Luxury was at the center of the royal Persian court and behaviors of ostentatious display rippled through the imperial provinces, whose elite classes emulated luxury objects in lesser materials. But luxury is contrastingly depicted through Athenian eyes - within the philosophical context of early democratic codes and the historical context of the Greco-Persian Wars, which suddenly and spectacularly brought eastern luxuries into the imagination of the Athenian populace for the first time. While Greek writers rejected luxury as eastern, despotic and corrupt, the Athenian elite adopted Persian luxuries in imaginative ways to signal status, distinction and prestige. Under the Macedonian empire of Alexander the Great and its subsequent kingdoms, royal Achaemenid luxury culture would later be adopted and displayed by the Macedonian and local elite across the Greek and Middle Eastern worlds: behaviors of ostentatious display were a means to seek advantage in the new Hellenistic world order. Ultimately, this publication demonstrates how competing political spins woven around 2,500 years ago still continue to shape modern perceptions of luxury today.
Michelangelo Buonarroti fut l'un des plus grands artistes de la Renaissance. Il n'était pas le génie isolé et torturé du mythe artistique, mais un homme qui a entretenu tout au long de sa vie un cercle étroit d'amis et d'associés. Il a développé des relations de travail avec des artistes plus jeunes, maintenant ainsi sa renommée et sa réputation même en vieillissant, confiant le travail physique trop dur pour lui aux autres. Ses derniers dessins offrent un aperçu puissant de sa psychologie, reflétant sa foi catholique, son engagement intellectuel et son élan vital. Édité à partir de l'extraordinaire collection de dessins du British Museum, cet ouvrage explore son oeuvre tardive aux côtés de ses relations personnelles pour considérer la transformation de Michel-Ange en la figure imposante du génie artistique connue aujourd'hui.
The first publication to celebrate the British Museum's rich collection of these technically sophisticated artworks created as part of Japanese cultural salons in the late 18th and 19th centuries, featuring lively figures in daily life and festivals, elegant birds and flowers, ferocious animals and lyrical landscapes.
Cultural salons were creative spaces for people of all social levels to jointly pursue painting, poetry and other artistic endeavours. -
Ce livre présente 150 objets d'art des civilisations européennes et méditerranéennes de la fin de l'Empire Romain au 12e siècle.
De superpuissance influente à régime répressif, le Myanmar - également connu sous le nom de Birmanie - a connu des fluctuations de fortune spectaculaires au cours des 1 500 dernières années. Interconnecté mais isolé, riche en ressources naturelles telles que le jade, les rubis et le teck, mais avec une grande partie de sa population vivant en dessous du seuil de pauvreté, le Myanmar est un pays qui défie toute catégorisation. Ce livre explore ses complexités, en se concentrant sur l'art et l'artisanal national pour retracer et analyse l'histoire du pays. Présentant des objets tels que des pierres précieuses, des robes de cour, des meubles finement sculptés, des dessins animés satiriques ou encore des objets du quotidien allant des années 400 de notre ère à nos jours, ce livre est un témoignage de la créativité et de la variété des nombreux peuples du Myanmar.
Pharaoh : art and power in Ancient Egypt
Marie Vandenbeusch
- British Museum
- 1 Juillet 2024
- 9780714191317
Explores the ideals, symbolism and ideology of Egyptian kingship and uncovers the stories behind the objects and images left as a legacy by this ancient civilisation.
The rulers of ancient Egypt were not always male, nor always Egyptian. At times, Egypt was divided by civil war, conquered by foreign powers or ruled by competing kings. While some kings were revered - such as Thutmose III who expanded Egypt's empire to its largest extent - the memory of others was officially erased. -
China's hidden century : 1796-1912
Jessica Harrison-Hall, Lovell julia
- British Museum
- 13 Mai 2023
- 9780714124933
Cultural creativity in China between 1796 and 1912 demonstrated extraordinary resilience in a time of warfare, land shortages, famine and uprisings. Innovation can be seen in material culture (including print, painting, calligraphy, textiles, fashion, jewellery, ceramics, lacquer, glass, arms and armour, rugs, silver, money and photography) during a century in which China's art, literature, crafts and technology faced unprecedented exposure to global influences.
1796 - the official end of the reign of the Qianlong emperor - is viewed as the end of the 'high Qing' and the start of a period of protracted crisis. In 1912, the last emperor, Puyi, abdicated after the revolution of 1911, bringing to an end some 2,000 years of dynastic rule and making way for the republic.
Until recently the 19th century in China has been defined as an era of cultural stagnation. Built on new research, this book sets out a fresh understanding of this important era and creates a detailed visual account of responses to war, technology, urbanisation, political transformations and external influences. The narratives of each chapter are brought to life and individualised through illustrated biographical accounts that highlight the diversity of voices and experiences contributing to this fascinating, turbulent period in Chinese history. -
S'appuyant sur la figure du peintre-graveur allemand Georg Baselitz, l'exposition Germany Divided présente près de cent oeuvres d'une génération d'artistes - Lüpertz, Palermo, Penck, Polke et Richter - marquée par les traumatismes de l'histoire allemande qui a redéfini l'art allemand dans la seconde moitié du 20e siècle.
The print before photography: an introduction to european printmaking 1550 - 1820
Griffiths Antony
- British Museum
- 1 Août 2016
- 9780714126951
Cette somme, fruit de 20 ans de recherches d'un conservateur du British Museum, relate l'histoire et les techniques de l'industrie de la gravure, de la Renaissance à l'époque moderne. La gravure fut pendant 3 siècle la seule technique de reproduction de l'image en grande série et elle a touché toutes les populations d'Europe.
Le monde entier est un théâtre : à travers le prisme de l'oeuvre du plus célèbre dramaturge anglais, le British Museum propose, dans le cadre de l'année Shakespeare, une incursion vivante et originale dans l'Angleterre au tournant des 16e et 17e siècles. Une sélection d'objets du quotidien, d'oeuvres d'art, de bijoux, de manuscrits et de livres, témoignent du rôle considérable de ses pièces de théâtre dans la diffusion des événements historiques majeurs et des enjeux politiques de son époque.
Dessiné à partir de sources du 14e et du 15e siècle, avec des travaux de Geoffrey Chaucer, et soigneusement adapté pour la cuisine moderne, ce très beau livre, richement illustré, explore les traditions et les goûts de l'authentique cuisine médievale.
À l'occasion du nouvel écrin aménagé au British Museum pour exposer la donation de Ferdinand de Rothschild en 1898, ce livre présente une quarantaine de magnifiques objets d'art européens. Photographiés avec précision et accompagnés d'une notice explicative, ces trésors montrent toute la créativité et la finesse du travail des plus grands artisans, du Moyen-Âge au 19e siècle.
Renaissance to Goya ; prints and drawings from Spain
Mark Macdonald
- British Museum
- 29 Août 2012
- 9780714126807
Le British Museum de Londres expose, jusqu'en janvier 2013, sa collection de dessins et gravures espagnols. Des oeuvres qui retracent l'évolution et la place de ces deux techniques en Espagne, du 15e au 18e siècle. Parmi les artistes les plus connus,
Netsuke 100 miniature masterpieces from japan
Tsuchiya Noriko
- British Museum
- 7 Juillet 2014
- 9780714124810
La présentation d'une centaine des netsuke les plus fascinants de la collection du British Museum. Révélant l'histoire de chaque objet, cet ouvrage explique pourquoi ces petits accessoires de bois, d'ivoire ou de porcelaine servant à attacher des éléments à la ceinture du kimono ont tant fasciné, et quelle est leur signification dans la culture japonaise.
Ce titre, édité par Thorsten Oppen, conservateur des antiquités grecques et latines au British Museum, jette un regard neuf sur la vie de Néron (54-68 après JC), donnant un aperçu des conflits internes d'une société romaine en transition et remettant en question les idées préconçues d'une figure rejetée par une tradition historique hostile comme tyrannique et incompétent.
Hokusai : great picture book of everything
Timothy Clark
- British Museum
- 1 Octobre 2021
- 9780714124896
Ce petit livre du célèbre artiste japonais Katsushika Hokusai (1760-1849) présente une sélection inédite de 103 dessins réalisés spécifiquement pour cette publication inédite restée jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Ils présentent un large éventail de sujets allant des représentations de figures religieuses, mythologiques, historiques et littéraires aux animaux, oiseaux, fleurs et autres phénomènes naturels, ainsi que paysages.
A beautiful showcase of the British Museum's little-known yet extensive collection of artists' books from the Middle East and beyond. This accompanied an exhibition at the British Museum in 2023, the first time the works have been presented together in the context of the Museum's collection.
In the hands of artists and poets, books have been taking a radically different form since the advent of the artist's book in Paris in the early 20th century. Appearing in a variety of shapes and sizes, as one-offs or small print editions, books offer artists and poets a novel form of expression. In the words of Indian artist Nalini Malani (b. 1946), the book is 'a carrier of experience', in which whole worlds are encapsulated.
In this beautifully produced book, works made by artists from New York to Damascus and beyond highlight the relationship between artists and writers and the influences that inform their work, from family to politics and everything in between. Lebanese artist Abed Al Kadiri (b. 1984) conceived his book during the first month of the pandemic to explore his family history, while through the eyes of Iraqi artist Kareem Risan (b. 1960) we see the shocking aftermath of a deadly explosion on the streets of Baghdad in 2005.
These artists also find inspiration in classical poetry and literature. Here you will see works that respond to and that are informed by the medieval Persian poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi and Hafez, as well as the tales of The Arabian Nights. -
Modern chinese painting and calligraphy - zhang daqian to liu dan
Von Spee
- British Museum
- 1 Avril 2012
- 9780714124704
Symbols of power ten coins that changed the world
Hockenhull Thomas
- British Museum
- 1 Mars 2015
- 9780714118086
The greek vase - the art of the storyteller
Oakley John
- British Museum
- 14 Octobre 2013
- 9780714122779
This photographic book offers a visual introduction to the artistry of ancient Greek vases, exploring them not merely as beautiful vessels to bear water and wine, but also as instruments of storytelling and bearers of meaning.
How old is the oldest chat-up line between men? Who was the first 'lesbian'? Were ancient Greek men who had sex together necessarily 'gay'? And what did Shakespeare think about cross-dressing? A Little Gay History takes objects ranging from Ancient Egyptian papyri and the erotic scenes on the Roman Warren Cup to images by modern artists including David Hockney and Bhupen Khakhar to consider questions such as these. Explored are the issues behind forty artefacts from ancient times to the present, and from cultures across the world, to ask a question that concerns us all: how easily can we recognize love in history?